5 Books that Belong on Any Time Traveler’s TBR

December 9 2019
Share 5 Books that Belong on Any Time Traveler’s TBR

Time travel is, at once, a dream, a nightmare, a potential reality, and an overused plot device. With so many stories of people jumping back and forth in time (and sometimes straight out of it), it’s hard not to imagine what you would do if you were ever given the chance to hop around time. Do you go back and fix your past? Do you go forward and discover what the future has in store? Are there any right or wrong answers? In honor of Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day (yes, it is a real thing!), here are some timeless reads to get you in the spirit, act as a how-to guide, and maybe help any intrepid searchers find what it is they are really looking for.

This post was originally published on GetLiterary.com.

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