9 Books to Read During Black History Month and Every Month

Sienna Farris
February 5 2019
Share 9 Books to Read During Black History Month and Every Month

It’s Black History Month, and as an African American woman I always wonder why we get the shortest month in the year. We need to band together to start a GoFundMe, or something, so Black folks can get a month with at least 30 days. Is that too much to ask after all we’ve been through? I remember talking to my grandmother about this, and she said when she was growing up Black History Month (we were called Negroes back then) was only a week!

But when you think about it, does it really matter how long Black History Month is as long as we take the time to celebrate it to the fullest by reading some amazing books by some amazing Black authors? With all of the great books on this list, you’re most likely going to be thinking about them well after Black History Month is over.

This post was originally published on GetLiterary.com.

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