5 of My Favorite Authors for #NationalAuthorsDay

Cara Nesi
November 1 2018
Share 5 of My Favorite Authors for #NationalAuthorsDay

Since it’s #NationalAuthorsDay today, I felt totally compelled to take the opportunity to show some love to my favorite authors. These fantastic writers have been with me through good times and bad, and their books and personal stories have been utterly inspirational. Now these are just a few (it’s so hard to play favorites!), but let me know if any of my fave authors make it on to your lists too!

The author with possibly the most charisma on this list, Jason Reynolds, is a pleasure to interact with, both on the page and in real life (as sales rep at Simon & Schuster, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting him)! If you don’t believe me, check out one of the many YouTube clips of him hanging out on the late-night shows. He’s charming and funny, and works so hard to champion reading for kids. His writing is accessible to anyone, so I highly recommend dipping into a book or two of his, such as Long Way Down or Ghost.

Definitely one of the formative authors of my youth, Tamora Pierce is incredible. Her writing was the first I encountered that featured a confident, cool young woman who knew she could do anything if she set her mind to it. With such realistic and brave characters, you can’t go wrong with a Tamora Pierce book!

Of all the authors I could list, Neil Gaiman is one of the most beloved. His fans are spread far and wide, and I certainly count myself among them. He creates incredible worlds and fantasies that I could never imagine on my own, with both a soothing and hysterical tone. Listen to an audiobook of his; you can’t go wrong.

Another formative writer for me, but much later on in my life, was Lorrie Moore, who is downright amazing. Her short stories are filled with a sarcastic and biting tone, and she takes down whatever topic she sets her pen on. One of my favorite lines of hers is “plots are for dead people, pore-face,” from her short story, “How to Become a Writer.” I think that’s about all you need from me on her, haha.

Lastly, a newer favorite author for me has to be Jen Beagin. Pubbed this past spring, her book Pretend I’m Dead is funny and strange and witty and gross (are you sensing a trend in what I like to read?), and I absolutely couldn’t put it down. She’s got another book coming next year, and I totally can’t wait!

This post was originally published on GetLiterary.com.

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