Live Long, Prosper, and Blast Off with These 5 Reads for #SciFiDay!

Nicole Sam
January 2 2019
Share Live Long, Prosper, and Blast Off with These 5 Reads for #SciFiDay!

Well, friends, the holidays are over, gifts have been unwrapped, countless desserts have been consumed, and it is officially the New Year! In addition to my Goodreads reading goal for 2019, I really want to focus on genres that I haven’t given much TLC. Luckily, today is #SciFiDay and the perfect opportunity to explore some of science fiction’s top titles.

Science fiction gives us the opportunity to imagine and explore out-of-this-world stories and concepts that no doubt connect us to the world we’re living in right now. This selection of titles do just that.

Happy #SciFiDay!

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