5 Books that Remind Me of Past Relationships—and My Present Love

Maddie Ehrenreich
October 3 2019
Share 5 Books that Remind Me of Past Relationships—and My Present Love

This is, most definitely, a very bad idea…. Do you ever pick up a book and then get hit with an overwhelming sense of déjà vu? If so, then it may be because you’ve dated this book before…. I mean, guy. I decided that in honor of #NationalBoyfriendDay, I would compare all my ex-boyfriends to some epic books. Was this a weird and kind of painful activity? Most definitely. Is there a possibility that any number of my exes could read this article? Perchance they could. But alas, fellow readers, I’ve compiled this list just for you! Here are five books that will break your heart, but just like real relationships you will be stronger because you loved them.

This post was originally published on GetLiterary.com.

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